English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "teling" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word, maar oor die algemeen verwys dit na die proses om nageslag voort te bring, of die produksie van 'n spesifieke tipe of kwaliteit nageslag deur gekontroleerde paring. Dit kan ook verwys na die grootmaak of versorging van diere, veral met die doel om hul genetiese eienskappe of eienskappe te verbeter. In 'n breër sin kan dit ook verwys na die ontwikkeling of kweek van sekere eienskappe of eienskappe by individue, soos goeie maniere, behoorlike gedrag of sosiale genades.

Sentence Examples

  1. Yes, you may indeed have time to convey my fine qualities and exceptional breeding to your father, like those of a purebred bulldog, but what if you are unable to find a sympathetic inn keeper to deliver our letters?
  2. But the bottom line was that no good possibilities for breeding could go to waste.
  3. The four higher races each had different laws where breeding was concerned, but while they occasionally had sexual dalliances with one another, one law they all had in common was that they should not mate each other or produce offspring.
  4. Seeing, however, that, absorbed in thought, he was forgetting to carry the bread to his mouth, he said never a word, and trampling every sort of good breeding under foot, began to stow away in his paunch the bread and cheese that came to his hand.
  5. If America can go on breeding men like that, she will be a power in the world indeed.
  6. Pure, correct, elegant and lucid language will be met with in men of courtly breeding and discrimination, though they may have been born in Majalahonda I say of discrimination, because there are many who are not so, and discrimination is the grammar of good language, if it be accompanied by practice.
  7. This much at least I cannot help telling you, that you may observe the good breeding and punctiliousness of my worthy husband.
  8. Most men say she is agreeable to the eye, with a fair mind and solid breeding that matches her complexion and figure.
  9. The lakes aforesaid send him their waters, and with these, and others that come to him, he makes a grand and imposing entrance into Portugal but for all that, go where he may, he shows his melancholy and sadness, and takes no pride in breeding dainty choice fish, only coarse and tasteless sorts, very different from those of the golden Tagus.
  10. As for fixed abode, he said he had no other than that which chance offered wherever night might overtake him and his words ended in an outburst of weeping so bitter that we who listened to him must have been very stones had we not joined him in it, comparing what we saw of him the first time with what we saw now for, as I said, he was a graceful and gracious youth, and in his courteous and polished language showed himself to be of good birth and courtly breeding, and rustics as we were that listened to him, even to our rusticity his gentle bearing sufficed to make it plain.