English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "breek" kan verskeie betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:Om in stukke te skei: "Ek het per ongeluk die vaas laat val en dit het in 'n miljoen stukke gebreek."Om te laat stop werk: "Die masjien het onklaar geraak en ons moes 'n hersteller ontbied."Om 'n aktiwiteit te onderbreek of te staak: "Kom ons vat 'n blaaskans van die werk af en drink 'n koffie." Om 'n wet, reël of ooreenkoms te oortree: "As jy die wet oortree, kan jy ernstige gevolge in die gesig staar."Om te oortref of te oorkom: "Die atleet het die wêreldrekord vir die vinnigste myl gebreek."Om te openbaar of te onthul: "Hy het uiteindelik die nuus aan sy ouers gebring dat hy uit die kollege gaan."Om hoop of gees te laat verloor: "Die voortdurende terugslae het uiteindelik haar wil gebreek om voort te gaan."Om te skei of los te maak: "Ek moet die gewoonte verbreek om my naels te byt."Om 'n skielike sarsie of geluid te maak: "Die stilte is deur 'n harde donderslag gebreek."Om kort te rus of te breek: "Kom ons neem 'n breek en hergroepeer na daardie intense vergadering."

Sentence Examples

  1. By lunchtime, I desperately needed a break and something to eat.
  2. This was going to be the major break in the case I needed.
  3. Who the hell would have the nerve to break into Central?
  4. The magic you used to break out of this room confirms our results.
  5. The resounding sparks of magic burned holes in its skin through gaps where someone had knocked scales off, and it flailed, tail thrashing with enough force to break concrete.
  6. Carla needed a break from all the work and drama with Striker and his stepfather freaking out over who would be the starting pitcher in the opening game.
  7. Though I had to stop and sit back innocuously when the guards brought me food, and then there was another bathroom break.
  8. Two guards carried me downstairs, ignoring my feeble attempts to break free.
  9. Nana D had tried to match me up with a traveling horse groomer over the Christmas break until we learned not only had the woman already been married, but she was wanted in two other states for bigamy.
  10. Break into her office or tell the cops she left something behind for you about a project you were working on together.

TV Series Examples



The sky cells always break them.



You break anything,



No, we need to get around him and break