English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gebrandmerk" is om met 'n handelsmerk te merk of te benoem, wat gewoonlik eienaarskap of 'n spesifieke bron aandui. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om 'n spesifieke produk of diens te bevorder deur dit as 'n handelsmerk te vestig deur bemarking en advertensiepogings. Daarbenewens kan dit gebruik word om 'n persoon te beskryf wat op 'n negatiewe manier gestigmatiseer of geëtiketteer is weens hul gedrag of optrede.

Sentence Examples

  1. The slide of his hot flesh branded me and made me feel complete while the stone beneath me seemed to push me up offering me to him.
  2. We went on further to say that we thought the only opportunity for success was to develop a branded specialty dairy industry by integrating forward and promoting the desirable qualities of the Jersey milk produced by the local farmers.
  3. If he left and ran he would have still been branded a traitor and Elizabeth would have been tainted by his deeds.
  4. Mkhululi and I had heard that Dalcrue, one of the larger dairy farms in Swaziland, had just advertised the introduction of their branded products to the market.
  5. One of the two branded runes flared bright red and then pulsed as the glow faded.
  6. Fighting that Warshield had reawakened something inside, something that had been slumbering ever since being forcibly branded by his own countrymen.
  7. My shirts were not the trendiest, my trainers had no swoosh or other branded symbol, and I often wore the same pair of trousers two days in a row.
  8. Before leaving the fort, though, Finias asked the guard why Aiden had been branded.
  9. Not just a branded heretic who had denounced his religious faith.
  10. The Niscians branded me as someone so dangerous I, and all I came into contact, had to be put to the sword as quickly as possible.