English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Brahma" het verskeie betekenisse afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:In Hindoeïsme is Brahma een van die drie groot gode, saam met Vishnu en Shiva. Brahma word beskou as die skepper van die heelal en word dikwels uitgebeeld met vier koppe en vier arms.In die Hindoe-filosofie is Brahma die uiteindelike werklikheid of universele bewussyn wat alle dinge deurdring.In Boeddhisme is Brahma een van die hoër gode van die cosli-Asië in sommige Boeddhismes. tale, soos Hindi en Oerdoe, "Brahma" word ook gebruik as 'n term vir die goddelike of die heilige.Oor die algemeen het die woord "Brahma" 'n sterk geestelike en godsdienstige konnotasie in die Suid-Asiatiese kultuur, en dit word dikwels geassosieer met konsepte van skepping, goddelike bewussyn en uiteindelike werklikheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. T, Pan, Horus, Brahma and Persephone in attendance.
  2. These were fervent Brahmins, the bitterest foes of Buddhism, their deities being Vishnu, the solar god, Shiva, the divine impersonation of natural forces, and Brahma, the supreme ruler of priests and legislators.
  3. there I meet the servant of the Bramin, priest of Brahma and Vishnu and Indra, who still sits in his temple on the Ganges reading the Vedas, or dwells at the root of a tree with his crust and water jug.
  4. Ull, Brahma, Horus, Pan, and Finn came running toward the fight.
  5. When the finishing stroke was put to his work, it suddenly expanded before the eyes of the astonished artist into the fairest of all the creations of Brahma.
  6. Maybe it was because of my heritage, but I preferred them to Brahma instantly.
  7. And now he saw by the heap of shavings still fresh at his feet, that, for him and his work, the former lapse of time had been an illusion, and that no more time had elapsed than is required for a single scintillation from the brain of Brahma to fall on and inflame the tinder of a mortal brain.
  8. By the time he had smoothed and polished the staff Kalpa was no longer the pole-star and ere he had put on the ferrule and the head adorned with precious stones, Brahma had awoke and slumbered many times.
  9. Sure enough, Brahma pushed up his silk sleeve and revealed a Rolex.