English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "rolspeler" het veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene woordeboekdefinisies van die woord:'n Persoon wat boul (speel die spel rolbal)'n Persoon wat 'n bal in die speletjie aflewer krieket'n Soort hoed met 'n ronde, stewige kroon en 'n smal rand, wat tradisioneel deur mans gedra word

Sentence Examples

  1. Henrietta Borg was in animated conversation with a man in a bowler hat with a feather thrust through the band.
  2. Westerfield was smartly dressed in a brown bowler hat, brown slacks and a vest and tie over his shirt.
  3. Suddenly a crisp voice spoke from the road, and looking up I saw a little Ford two-seater, and a round-faced young man in a bowler hat.
  4. On one side of Navarino stood the man with the feathered bowler on the other side was William Caskie.
  5. He had seen this man before, except on each previous occasion, he had been wearing a bowler hat with a feather tucked into the hatband.
  6. A young Frenchie, wearing a bowler hat, was painting his girlfriend but it looked like a space ship, not a human being.
  7. He plucked his bowler hat off the rack, shuffled to the front door and threw it open.
  8. Indeed, Michael J Bowler is a powerful writer with a gift unparalleled.
  9. Earl was an avid bowler, and competition for the number one spot in this town was fierce.
  10. A skinny man in a fine black coat and a bowler hat came walking past on the other side of the road.