English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "gebuig" het veelvuldige betekenisse afhangende van die konteks daarvan. Hier is 'n paar van sy woordeboekbetekenisse:Verlede tyd en verlede deelwoord van "buig" (werkwoord): om die kop, liggaam of knie te buig as 'n teken van respek of onderdanigheid.Byvoeglike naamwoord: 'n geboë of gebuigde vorm hê, veral soos 'n boog (die wapen toon, demility, demility, demiliting, demiliting, demiliting, demility. Byvoeglike naamwoord: geraak deur iets, soos hartseer of uitputting, tot die punt van fisiese of geestelike uitputting. Byvoorbeeld, "Hy was gebuig van droefheid."Adjektief: toegerus met 'n boog (musiekinstrument), soos in "'n geboë instrument."Byvoeglike naamwoord: (van 'n skip) met 'n konkawe dek.Byvoeglike naamwoord: (van 'n struktuur) , met 'n afwaartse kurwe, met 'n afwaartse kurwe,/>

Sentence Examples

  1. He bowed to his friends, and entered into the conversation.
  2. Evan was unable to look away, as the hooded head slowly rose from its bowed position to face him.
  3. A giggling Cera bowed back before retrieving her weapon.
  4. Gathering energy in the form of a crackling red orb, I put everything I had behind the dagger in my right hand, and hurled it as the beast bowed its head.
  5. He set it down on the table and bowed his way out of the room.
  6. Once behind the closed door Richard pushed the hood back from his head and bowed, smiling, at Kate.
  7. He remains leaning against the bench with his arms folded, head bowed slightly, gaze lowered.
  8. I could hear a mumbled discussion before Lonnie returned with his head bowed.
  9. I sat down anyways and scowled as he bowed and winked.
  10. With his shoulders stooped and head bowed, he looked as though he were praying for all the lost souls, himself included.

TV Series Examples



lt was the dragons we bowed to...