English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "boek" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks en die bron wat geraadpleeg is, maar oor die algemeen verwys dit na 'n geskrewe of gedrukte werk wat bestaan uit bladsye wat saamgebind is, dikwels met 'n omslag, en wat inligting of stories bevat. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n afdeling van 'n groter werk of 'n versameling werke deur 'n enkele skrywer of oor 'n bepaalde onderwerp. Daarbenewens kan "boek" as 'n werkwoord gebruik word om te beteken om 'n bespreking te maak of om iets skriftelik op te teken.

Sentence Examples

  1. Apart from an unnaturally pale man with faded pink eyes and an elderly orc engrossed in a poetry book, he was alone.
  2. Not that Evan had expected the book to tell him exactly why an evil monster kept sending his minions to capture him.
  3. A locked, leather-bound journal lurked beneath the fake red book cover.
  4. Acknowledgments Writing a book is not an achievement an individual person can do on his or her own.
  5. There was no more information, not even a picture like other demons in the book had.
  6. The book on her corner table was her current grade keeper.
  7. Evan and Elijah became enthralled with a holographic book whilst Jed began chatting up Apprentice girls, claiming to be the chosen one, Adara.
  8. Intrigued, she set her book down and moved towards the voice.
  9. I added her grade book and several printed copies of her current class syllabi to the box too.
  10. A few scattered papers cluttered the desk, the garbage pail had recently been emptied, and what looked like a grade book sat on the corner table near a reading lamp.

TV Series Examples



- What else did the book say?