English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Bold is 'n kort, stewige paal of paal wat tipies van beton, staal of hout gemaak word, en word gebruik om voertuig- of voetgangerstoegang tot 'n spesifieke area, soos 'n straat of parkeerterrein, te beheer of te beperk. Bollare kan ook gebruik word om bote of skepe te anker, of as 'n dekoratiewe element in stedelike ontwerp.


  1. bitt

Sentence Examples

  1. Despite his grey beard and the pink scalp that shone through his thinning hair, Oengus leapt on board like a teenager, tied a cable to her stern post and attached it to a stone bollard on the shelf.
  2. Dropping suddenly to his knees, Richard swung himself easily over the edge, his weight on a hemp rope tied to the mooring bollard above.