English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vet" kan gedefinieer word as:(byvoeglike naamwoord) vreesloos, selfversekerd en gewillig om risiko's te neem Voorbeeld: Sy was dapper genoeg om teen die boelie op te staan.(byvoeglike naamwoord) met 'n sterk of aanskoulike voorkoms Voorbeeld: Die vet letters op die bord was maklik om van 'n afstand af te lees.(byvoeglike naamwoord) nie huiwerig of terughoudend om jou opinies, oortuigings of gevoelens uit te druk nie. Voorbeeld: Die HUB het 'n dapper stelling gemaak oor die maatskappy se toekomsplanne.(byvoeglike naamwoord) (van 'n kleur of ontwerp) met 'n sterk of treffende voorkoms Voorbeeld: Die woonkamer is versier met gewaagde patrone en helder kleure.(werkwoord) om iets meer prominent of opvallend te laat lyk Voorbeeld: Die ontwerper het 'n vet lettertipe gebruik om die titel van die artikel te beklemtoon.

Sentence Examples

  1. The board advertises the menu del día scribed in bold chalk.
  2. The word Ninja jumped out at me in bold black letters.
  3. Passepartout was by no means one of those pert dunces depicted by Moliere with a bold gaze and a nose held high in the air he was an honest fellow, with a pleasant face, lips a trifle protruding, soft-mannered and serviceable, with a good round head, such as one likes to see on the shoulders of a friend.
  4. Her ebullient little voice bounces around the farmhouse walls, off the concrete ceilings twelve feet high, fragmenting into a confusion of numerous little voices, her simple bold talk obfuscated by its own echo.
  5. The railway track wound in and out among the passes, now approaching the mountain-sides, now suspended over precipices, avoiding abrupt angles by bold curves, plunging into narrow defiles, which seemed to have no outlet.
  6. Artwork hung in intervals along the walls, bold and impressionistic, massive pieces like those you saw in museums but never in private homes.
  7. Some sort of tribal tattoo, with simplistic but bold designs, covered exactly one half of his chest and all of one arm.
  8. The downside of a secret identity is that some of the guests are getting a little bold.
  9. But Phileas Fogg was a bold mariner, and knew how to maintain headway against the sea and he kept on his course, without even decreasing his steam.
  10. Phileas Fogg was in the act of finishing the thirty-third rubber of the voyage, and his partner and himself having, by a bold stroke, captured all thirteen of the tricks, concluded this fine campaign with a brilliant victory.

TV Series Examples



A bold move, my lord, and admirable.



and a bold man to wield it.