English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "liggaam" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Die fisiese struktuur van 'n mens of dier, insluitende die bene, vleis en organe.Die hoofdeel van 'n plant of swam, wat tipies bestaan uit die stam, blare en wortels.'n Persoon se fisiese of liggaamlike self, in teenstelling met sy verstand of ledemate of vertakking van iets.Die sentrale of belangrikste deel van iets.'n Groep mense of dinge wat gesamentlik beskou word.Die basiese materiaal of substansie van iets.

Sentence Examples

  1. I kissed her cheek, and my body flooded with an unusual yet familiar warmth.
  2. Rather than address a specific body part or group, I tested several of the new machines and acclimated to the equipment.
  3. Writing has been a part of my life as much as my heart, my mind and my body.
  4. It was a bizarre experience to watch my hand fade away, then my arm, then the rest of my body.
  5. The way the body laid on the floor all tangled up was the most horrid part.
  6. I might have been distracted and not interpreted her body language in the fairest manner, given my less-than-welcoming feelings toward the woman.
  7. The things he could do to my body just by winking at me.
  8. Given the temperature had slipped to the single digits, and the icy snow wildly pelted my body, I hurried to the front door.
  9. The drama of finding a dead body was causing everyone to be irritable and short-tempered.
  10. A shiver ran through me as I looked right through my own body, even though I knew it was still there.

TV Series Examples



King Robert's body was still warm



You have a woman's body now.



They came to take his body away