English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is 'n vark 'n manlike vark, veral een wat wild is of nie gekastreer is nie. Dit kan ook verwys na die vleis van 'n vark wat as voedsel gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. The incessant calls of reindeer grunts were as deafening as a hundred wild boar rooting about in the ground, and, with every step of every leg, there was a distinct click.
  2. Scarcely had they taken their stand in a line with several of their servants, when they saw a huge boar, closely pressed by the hounds and followed by the huntsmen, making towards them, grinding his teeth and tusks, and scattering foam from his mouth.
  3. A wild boar, displaying its teeth behind its tusks, stared with beady, black eyes.
  4. Too many memories of his own raced back as he shook his head at the boar.
  5. Not that he was he was useless as tits on a boar but he was trying.
  6. Apparently, the wild boar was running for the beach.
  7. Saved the maiden from the boar to kill the Seidkona whose death took what little victory I had.
  8. In the end the tusked boar fell pierced by the blades of the many spears they held in front of him and Don Quixote, turning round at the cries of Sancho, for he knew by them that it was he, saw him hanging from the oak head downwards, with Dapple, who did not forsake him in his distress, close beside him and Cide Hamete observes that he seldom saw Sancho Panza without seeing Dapple, or Dapple without seeing Sancho Panza such was their attachment and loyalty one to the other.
  9. Meanwhile they had slung the mighty boar across the back of a mule, and having covered it with sprigs of rosemary and branches of myrtle, they bore it away as the spoils of victory to some large field-tents which had been pitched in the middle of the wood, where they found the tables laid and dinner served, in such grand and sumptuous style that it was easy to see the rank and magnificence of those who had provided it.
  10. There was no time to drag a four hundred pound boar from the forest and dress it.

TV Series Examples



# The boar did all the rest #