English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "bloedig" het verskeie betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van sy mees algemene definisies:Bedek of bevlek met bloed.Betrek of gekenmerk deur bloedvergieting of geweld.Gebruik as 'n ligte versterker of uitroep van ergernis, ongeduld of beklemtoning, veral in Britse Engels.Uiters of buitensporig; gebruik as 'n versterker om 'n stelling of gevoel te beklemtoon, dikwels in informele of vulgêre taal.Voorbeelde van gebruik:Die slagoffer se hemp was bloederig van die skietwond.Die oorlog was 'n bloedige konflik wat vir jare geduur het."Bloedige hel, ek het my sleutels weer geglo!" was 'n bloedig aaklige fliek,” het die teleurgestelde kyker gekla.

Sentence Examples

  1. She groaned at the sight of her bloody hand and rubbed it back and forth on her jeans.
  2. There are three I managed to capture before screaming bloody murder.
  3. But I do what any confused person would in these circumstances, point to my ghosts and scream bloody murder.
  4. I wiped my bloody finger on my jeans and allowed the tears to stream down my face.
  5. The photos show only faces above a mist and I see them for who they really were, young women with bright futures, not the bloody mess I witnessed at the lake.
  6. As he turned his bloody face around and caught my gaze, he hollered numerous, descriptive expletives.
  7. But the thought of experiencing the bloody assault on my body was horrifying.
  8. As it was, Nell had screamed bloody murder about how her daughter had saved the Multiverse and if not for me, everyone in the city would be dead.
  9. Who would the Battle Masters beat into a bloody pulp?
  10. Where the bloody hole had been was his normal, unblemished stomach.

TV Series Examples



This isn't about the bloody



There's no need to bloody yourself.



A bloody dead man tried to kill me.



- Now they send us squealing bloody pigs.