English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die Oxford English Dictionary is 'n blogger "'n persoon wat gereeld materiaal vir 'n blog skryf, wat tipies bestaan uit kommentaar op huidige gebeure of persoonlike ervarings." Met ander woorde, 'n blogger is iemand wat 'n blog skep en onderhou, plasings oor 'n verskeidenheid onderwerpe skryf en hul gedagtes, opinies en ervarings met hul lesers deel. Bloggers kan 'n wye reeks onderwerpe dek, van politiek en nuus tot mode, kos, reis en meer.

Sentence Examples

  1. It sounded like the blogger was telling the truth about underhanded chicanery.
  2. The fancy camera in her hand suggested she was press, but in reality she was more like an independent blogger, famous for publishing a hasty report revealing the shady shenanigans of a government agency the previous year.
  3. I had to agree with the blogger that something was unusual about the anonymous donations and their distribution to Grey Sports Complex.
  4. He noted how students found the blogger to be a funny distraction but gave his or her messages little consideration.
  5. But any hacker with an ounce of know-how could discover the identity of a blogger.
  6. I remembered the blogger had mentioned something about technology for the athletics department.