English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "gelukkig" is: in 'n toestand van uiterste geluk of vreugde; met groot plesier of tevredenheid. Dit is 'n bywoord wat dikwels gebruik word om 'n persoon se houding of uitdrukking te beskryf wanneer hulle 'n toestand van diep geluk, tevredenheid of rustigheid ervaar. Byvoorbeeld, "Sy het salig geglimlag terwyl sy langs die strand gestap het en die warmte van die son op haar vel en die sagte briesie in haar hare voel."

Sentence Examples

  1. They laughed blissfully, playing with childlike happiness as they ran up and down the rain-soaked field.
  2. After two hours of backbreaking work, as evening was blissfully beginning to descend, Arnvar returned.
  3. The ignorance could be blissfully amazing and scary at the same time.
  4. The effect of the last two sleepless nights had overtaken her and she was blissfully unaware that the advance party, which should have been led by Richard, had been overtaken by an impatient and overzealous young man.
  5. We are blissfully shaded by trees and buildings while the sun is bright on others.
  6. I dip them into the small container of ketchup, take a large bite, and close my eyes, moaning blissfully as the tastes of home hit my tongue.
  7. She longed to open up her bundle, not just for the food, but to activate her neural interface and have the collective consciousness of humanity piped blissfully into her brain.
  8. We walked in blissfully uneventful silence for a while before we reached the part of the village with street lamps.
  9. It never occurred to me that, while she was sleeping soundly, she was acutely aware but blissfully indifferent to the murders taking place at that moment.
  10. I reach across the tub and turn off the taps, and then slowly lower myself into the blissfully hot water at the other end so Lily and I are facing each other.