English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord is die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ontploffing":'n Sterk rukwind of lug.'n Ontploffing, veral een wat veroorsaak word deur 'n bom of ploftoestel.'n Skielike harde geluid, soos 'n geweerskoot of 'n lugtoeter.'n Kragtige stroom lug of gas, soos dié wat gebruik word om skoon te maak of te droog iets.'n Gewelddadige uitbarsting, soos van emosie of klank.As 'n werkwoord is die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ontploffing":Om deur ontploffing op te blaas of te vernietig.Om 'n harde geluid te maak, soos van 'n toeter of fluit.Om met groot krag te beweeg, soos in 'n sterk wind- of waterstroom.Om hard of erg te kritiseer.Om iets skoon te maak of droog te maak met 'n kragtige stroom lug of gas.

Sentence Examples

  1. The instant my foot touched the metal floor, magic flowed over me, and I drew it in and unleashed it in a second level blast that ought to have taken all of them off their feet, at least.
  2. Before I could lose my nerve, I shot a second blast of magic directly at the back wall.
  3. I doubt they got far enough not to be caught in the blast.
  4. The Fortress resounded with a thunderous horn blast, which signalled the start of each training session.
  5. Cera screamed as she sent energy blast after energy blast at the writhing snake until it was no more than a sticky mess.
  6. Behind, I heard a tremendous, earth-shaking blast, and the static grew to a fever pitch.
  7. This time, the blast shook one of my hands free, and the split-second advantage was enough for me to touch the communicator.
  8. She was throwing magic, and each blast triggered a backlash that made the air vibrate.
  9. A blast of magic roared through the air, taking me off my feet.
  10. He surged forwards again narrowly avoiding another laser blast that singed his hair.

TV Series Examples



One blast for a ranger returning,