English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "kombers" is die verlede tyd en verlede deelwoord van die werkwoord "kombers", wat beteken om heeltemal met 'n kombers of ander bedekkingsmateriaal te bedek. In 'n figuurlike sin kan "kombers" ook verwys na iets wat bedek of omring is op 'n manier wat 'n beskermende of omsluitende laag suggereer, soos 'n stad wat deur sneeu bedek is, of 'n land wat deur 'n nuusverduistering bedek is.

Sentence Examples

  1. A young woman leaned against a fallen tree trunk blanketed in moss.
  2. But as long shadows blanketed the mountains, I opened a side compartment and rifled through it.
  3. Borg tightened his jaw as cold contemplation blanketed his eyes.
  4. Silence blanketed the small square, aside from the occasional sob or holler in the distance.
  5. The rising darkness within him blanketed his face as his thoughts turned to the mountains.
  6. My usually clean-cut dark-blond hair was littered with leaves, and the four days of stubble on my cheeks and chin was blanketed in mounds of snow.
  7. They picked up a hot fishing spot and followed it to a remote cove blanketed by sycamore trees.
  8. Pandemonium ensued as the smoke from the burning vehicles blanketed the entire area, choking everyone with noxious fumes and effectively hiding Arthur and his knights from view.
  9. Over-eager pride blanketed his face as the spearman slumped to the ground.
  10. His eyes, as pensive as ever, fixed on hers, blanketed and empty, unreadable, as always.