English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "teef" kan wissel na gelang van die konteks en gebruik, maar oor die algemeen verwys dit na 'n vroulike hond of, in 'n neerhalende sin, 'n vrou wat as onaangenaam, kwaadwillig of moeilik hanteer word. Die term kan ook gebruik word as 'n belediging teenoor 'n man, en verwys na hom as swak, onderdanig of veragtelik. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die neerhalende gebruik van die woord as hoogs aanstootlik en oneerbiedig beskou word, en dit is nie gepas om dit in 'n professionele of beleefde omgewing te gebruik nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. My father was the one who strengthened its influence in the market while that spoiled bitch enjoyed a carefree life.
  2. Sant, an awkward son of a bitch, was thought to be doing extremely well to have achieved his lesser rank.
  3. She was picking up beer for the son of a bitch who beat her.
  4. But my mother is a miserable old bitch who makes it a point never to agree with anyone.
  5. I angrily throw my pile on to the mussed bed and those three faces I spotted at the lake stare back at me, as if to confirm that yes, Viola Valentine, you are the biggest bitch on the planet right now.
  6. It would have been a lot easier if she was a bitch like Samantha.
  7. I get first rights on any new pack members, and that arrogant son of a bitch wanted you for himself.
  8. Son of a bitch had missed my face by three inches.
  9. But the bruises hurt like a bitch, and I was pretty sure there was a fist-sized lump on the back of my head.
  10. If anyone could turn her into a bitch who could stand up for herself, it was me.