English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "Bybel" verwys na die heilige geskrifte van die Christendom, bestaande uit die Ou en Nuwe Testament. Dit word beskou as die heilige boek van die Christelike godsdiens en bevat die leringe, geskiedenis en profesie van die Christelike geloof. Die term "Bybel" kom van die Griekse woord "biblia", wat "boeke" beteken.

Sentence Examples

  1. Pamphlets and torn out Bible pages covered the floor.
  2. Then, skirting the blood on the floor, I quickly stole a look at the Bible.
  3. Elizabeth was standing now, working a Bible in her hands.
  4. The priest performing for the service dropped his Bible.
  5. His eyes switched to the chimney breast, where Bible passages had been chalked in a careful hand.
  6. A plain brass cross hung around her neck and a small Bible was her only noticeable possession.
  7. I cracked the seal on the new bottle and, under the watchful eye of a smiling British beefeater, adjusted the ice on my cracked noggin and cracked open the Bible.
  8. He wanted me to read from the Bible while we did it.
  9. I returned to my bedroom and dove into the show bible sitting on the night table.
  10. My banged up body, for what it was worth, lay left behind, passed-out on the couch with the Bible opened, to the Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, and spread on my chest like a sleeping infant.