English to afrikaans meaning of

'n bessie is 'n pulpagtige en gewoonlik eetbare vrug (soos 'n druif, bloubessie, tamatie of piesang) van klein grootte, ongeag die struktuur daarvan. In botaniese terme is 'n bessie 'n vrug wat uit 'n enkele eierstok van 'n enkele blom ontwikkel, en dit het tipies veelvuldige sade wat in die vlesige pulp ingebed is. Bessies is oor die algemeen helderkleurig en dikwels soet of tert van geur.

Sentence Examples

  1. His mouth has turned Berry Noir, so I grab a tissue from my ditty bag and hand it to him.
  2. Picking at the display of fruit, she popped a red berry into her mouth.
  3. Once through, the tension stored up in the berry bushes and evergreen limbs released, covering over the gap and concealing them once more.
  4. He stopped mid-sentence, huffed, and handed me a sterling silver marker the size of a berry fork.
  5. Every part of the plant and its flowers, especially the un-ripened berry, was deadly as hemlock.
  6. Flicking through the pages he thinks he might order the goujons of chicken with asparagus and a nice berry jus.
  7. Mouthwatering memories surfaced of sweet cloudberry cake interspersed with the bitter bite of the berry.
  8. The young man smiled to himself, for he believed he had mistaken some shining berry of the woods for the glistening eyeballs of a prowling savage, and he rode forward, continuing the conversation which had been interrupted by the passing thought.
  9. Three fish-pools in Berry, producing two hundred livres a year.