English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "klok" is 'n hol, tipies metaal, bekervormige voorwerp wat 'n luiklank maak wanneer dit geslaan of geskud word. Dit word dikwels as 'n musiekinstrument of as 'n seintoestel gebruik om die tyd aan te dui, te waarsku vir gevaar, of om mense na 'n byeenkoms of geleentheid te roep. Die woord "klok" kan ook verwys na die vorm of klank van die voorwerp, sowel as na verskeie verwante voorwerpe of konsepte, soos die klokvormige kromme, die Bell-telefoonmaatskappy of die Liberty Bell.

Sentence Examples

  1. As I shut the door, the bell clanged above me, and she came running over.
  2. A bell above the glass door jingled as I walked inside.
  3. The bell on the door clanged as Cleva ran in, nearly colliding with me.
  4. Dean heard the planks crack but without notice the scaffold fractured around the bell tower.
  5. I slipped round the other side of the store and used a yellow bell bush for cover.
  6. She considered being easier on Striker by using an academic Bell Curve grading style to help him pass, but when Abby found out about Lorraine and Coach Oliver, she realized he was just using her.
  7. The bell jolted from its hook and came crashing through the scaffold tower, the planks splintering as the bell smashed down onto the priest.
  8. Thunder shook the building and a lightning bolt shot through the top stained-glass window striking the bell.
  9. The locomotive, its great funnel emitting a weird light, with its sharp bell, and its cow-catcher extended like a spur, mingled its shrieks and bellowings with the noise of torrents and cascades, and twined its smoke among the branches of the gigantic pines.
  10. A bicycle bell rang behind us, so we crowded closer together.