English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "namens" is ter ondersteuning van, in die belang van, of as 'n verteenwoordiger van iemand of iets. Dit word dikwels gebruik om die handeling te beskryf om vir of namens iemand of iets anders op te tree. Byvoorbeeld, "Ek praat namens die maatskappy" beteken dat die persoon die maatskappy se belange en sienings verteenwoordig. Net so beteken "Hy het 'n skenking namens sy ma gemaak" dat hy die skenking in sy ma se belang of as 'n verteenwoordiger van sy ma gemaak het.

Sentence Examples

  1. I did appear on his behalf, as I do for many, at their hearings.
  2. On behalf of everyone here, I apologise for our behaviour and I particularly apologise for mine.
  3. And if he said what he did on account of him on whose behalf it seems he spoke, he is entirely mistaken for I worship the genius of that person, and admire his works and his unceasing and strenuous industry.
  4. They said they did, and that whatever he should do in that behalf they declared rightly done, final and valid.
  5. Harker on your behalf, to supply the following information concerning the sale and purchase of No.
  6. But after all, though still under the same fear and apprehension, he has recorded it without adding to the story or leaving out a particle of the truth, and entirely disregarding the charges of falsehood that might be brought against him and he was right, for the truth may run fine but will not break, and always rises above falsehood as oil above water and so, going on with his story, he says that as soon as Don Quixote had ensconced himself in the forest, oak grove, or wood near El Toboso, he bade Sancho return to the city, and not come into his presence again without having first spoken on his behalf to his lady, and begged of her that it might be her good pleasure to permit herself to be seen by her enslaved knight, and deign to bestow her blessing upon him, so that he might thereby hope for a happy issue in all his encounters and difficult enterprises.
  7. The High Council appoints traders to act on behalf of OmniLab.
  8. When your master, employer, what you will, engaged that someone should come on his behalf, it was understood that my needs only were to be consulted.
  9. Before she could formulate a reply, Seara spoke up on her behalf.
  10. He again repeated the message and commission with which he was to go on his behalf to his lady Dulcinea, and said he was not to be uneasy as to the payment of his services, for before leaving home he had made his will, in which he would find himself fully recompensed in the matter of wages in due proportion to the time he had served but if God delivered him safe, sound, and unhurt out of that danger, he might look upon the promised island as much more than certain.

TV Series Examples



l'm here on behalf of Lord Eddard Stark,