English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "by" is 'n vlieënde insek wat tipies swart en geel is en heuning maak deur nektar van blomme te versamel. Bye is ook bekend vir hul belangrike rol in die bestuiwing van plante, wat deurslaggewend is vir die groei en produksie van baie gewasse. Die woord "by" kan ook verwys na 'n sosiale byeenkoms waarin mense saamwerk om 'n spesifieke doel te bereik, soos 'n "kwiltby" of 'n "spelby."

Sentence Examples

  1. Cody made a bee line for an office located in the vestibule of the bank.
  2. There was no venom, not like a snakebite or the sting of a bee.
  3. And she has a bee in her bonnet about my latest work.
  4. Steampunk Bee in Top Hat Flowers Whimsical Stripes This poster was created using my original whimsical collage art featuring bees in top hats with human faces and red wings with black polka dots, white daisies, and a green and pink mixed media background.
  5. On the table was a black recorder box and its red light hummed like a bee.
  6. Charlie could feel a pin prick on his left arm like a bee sting.
  7. The nosferatu do not die like the bee when he sting once.
  8. I could do nothing but sink into my seat, wishing to disappear into its crack at the thought of my new queen bee.
  9. There was a most ingenious architect who had contrived a new method for building houses, by beginning at the roof and working downwards to the foundation which he justified to me by the like practice of those two prudent insects the bee and the spider.
  10. As he ran his lungs burned and the humidity stuck to his neck like bee nectar.