English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "slaaptyd" is die tyd waarop 'n mens gewoonlik gaan slaap om te slaap, of die tydperk wat dit onmiddellik voorafgaan. Dit is die tyd van die nag wanneer iemand gewoonlik gereed maak vir die bed en gaan slaap.

Sentence Examples

  1. At bedtime, I walked downstairs to stoke the stove and saw Pearl poking pages from a notepad into the fire.
  2. Together, the three of us keep Gloria busy until her bedtime.
  3. After we ate, Kevin went to his weekly bowling league while Kyle and I raced toy cars until bedtime.
  4. Without him I had nothing but a story to tell at bedtime no proof of anything.
  5. At bedtime, Pearl calmly pulled the plastic sheets off the sofa and slept in the living room for the first time.
  6. Even the swallows were fooled, swooping and soaring as though it were time for their bedtime snack.
  7. At bedtime, she climbed into bed on her edge of the mattress.
  8. Had he been capable of being astonished at anything, it would have been not to see his servant return at bedtime.
  9. In the morning after breakfast, and then again at bedtime, we all had to brush our teeth at the same moment.
  10. At bedtime, I reached under the mattress, took the pistol, unloaded it, and handed it to Pearl.