English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys "bed" tipies na 'n meubelstuk wat gebruik word om op te slaap of op te rus, soos 'n matras en raam, 'n bedjie of 'n hangmat. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n plat oppervlak wat gebruik word om iets te ondersteun, soos 'n tuinbed vir plante of 'n bed van spykers vir 'n sirkusaksie. As 'n werkwoord beteken "bed" om te gaan slaap of om iets in 'n plat of horisontale posisie te rangskik.

Sentence Examples

  1. I drew in a deep breath, and went back over to the bed, the part of the room furthest from the door.
  2. She slunk down on her bed and checked her cell a message and four missed calls from her ex, Ryan, accompanied by two texts from Johnny.
  3. The sharp pain across my face threw me back onto the bed.
  4. I chatted with Emma before bed, then caught up on some much-needed rest.
  5. The energy drain was so intense, I slumped onto the bed, feeling like the life was being sucked from my body.
  6. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and gave my clock a shake.
  7. I managed to push myself to a sitting position on the bed.
  8. He wrenched back the silken quilt and stumbled out of bed towards the door.
  9. Contemplating the stupidity of boys, Brooke threw her cell back on the bed and turned to her computer, quickly checking her emails.
  10. As he set her down on the bed she noticed Tyrell and Lok had departed.

TV Series Examples



Your bed must be lonely.



Your mother sat by your bed



There l'll find a bed