English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "geklop" is die verlede deelwoord van die werkwoord "klop." Dit kan verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Sommige moontlike definisies van "geklop" is:Verslaan of oorwin in 'n wedstryd, geveg of konflik. Voorbeeld: Die minderjarige span is deur die heersende kampioene geklop.Herhaaldelik geslaan, geslaan of geslaan. Voorbeeld: Die gevangene is deur die wagte geslaan.Kertig geroer, soos in kosbereiding. Voorbeeld: Die eierwitte moet geklits word totdat dit stywe pieke vorm.Vertrap of gedra deur voetgangers. Voorbeeld: Die paadjie is deur stappers afgetrap.Uitgeput of uitgeput. Voorbeeld: Na 'n lang dag by die werk was ek geslaan en gereed om huis toe te gaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. He had recently been beaten up by a whole posse of panhandlers.
  2. Despite the fact that I was bloody and beaten, they arrested me and not the family or priest.
  3. At best, they were held in contempt and at worst they were shunned or beaten up.
  4. For those cast off and unwanted kids, for those ex-gang members who sought a better life, for those abused and beaten and berated by their families, this was a night like no other, a night where they finally felt special, needed, and important.
  5. The settings themselves, which we picked out from among the other gold, appeared to have been beaten up with hammers, as if to prevent identification.
  6. Hong Kong has beaten Macao in the struggle for the Chinese trade, and now the greater part of the transportation of Chinese goods finds its depot at the former place.
  7. No matter how hard he tried, he was beaten to the floor again and again.
  8. Instead, Mr Andrews bowed his head like a beaten boxer and replaced his battered gloves before sluggishly retreating to his green-fingers haven.
  9. Brooke fell back and slumped to the floor, utterly beaten.
  10. Both had already been beaten, their faces bruised and bloody.