English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "dra" verskeie betekenisse hê, insluitend:Die manier waarop 'n mens jouself dra of gedra, insluitend fisiese postuur en houding. 'n Masjienonderdeel wat 'n ander deel ondersteun en dit toelaat om te draai of te beweeg.Die rigting of hoek waarin 'n lyn of oppervlak lê in verhouding tot 'n ander.Die handeling van dra of iets dra, soos 'n vrag of gewig.'n Persoon se afkoms of afkoms, veral in terme van sosiale status of aansien.As 'n werkwoord, "dra" kan beteken:Dra of dra van 'n gewig of vrag.Om 'n moeilikheid of swaarkry te verduur of te weerstaan.Om geboorte te gee aan nageslag.Vertoon of vertoon 'n bepaalde kwaliteit of eienskap.

Sentence Examples

  1. Demons of all shape and size, many indescribably grotesque, others terrifyingly bearing animal or human features, raced towards them.
  2. The room was opulent, the floors covered in thick, forest-green Shaper-woven carpets, its walls paneled with rich, dark wood bearing a burnished gleam.
  3. The young man returned with a beautifully engraved silver tray bearing a tea service and a variety of small cakes and finger sandwiches.
  4. If you cannot defend yourself when a demon is bearing down on you, you will die.
  5. Looking thanklessly at his brother, Jack lowered himself out, his arms bearing the weight of his body until his feet found security on the upper frame of the window below.
  6. Opening the door, the inn welcomed him with smoky air bearing a heavy odour of dampened wool, stale food, and the sea coal that crackled in the fire.
  7. The guards who followed the young woman presented a violent contrast to her, armed as they were with naked sabres hung at their waists, and long damascened pistols, and bearing a corpse on a palanquin.
  8. The dog clenches its jaw and growls, its teeth a vice bearing down on my flesh.
  9. Bearing a child seems to have changed me in unexpected ways.
  10. A long serpent demon slithered, its lower body a snake but its upper bearing four arms and six wolf heads.