English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "baard" is die hare wat op die ken en onderste wange van 'n man se gesig groei, wat gewoonlik ook snorhare insluit. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n klossie of groei van hare of hare op sekere diere of plante. As 'n werkwoord beteken "om te baar" om met vrymoedigheid te konfronteer of uit te daag, dikwels in 'n openbare omgewing.

Sentence Examples

  1. A dwarf with a bushy beard and matted red hair stood glaring at him.
  2. Batulcar, caressing the thick grey beard which hung from his chin.
  3. A short man, no more than me in height, and slight of build, he had a pinched face framed by a goatee beard that served to age him beyond his fifty years.
  4. Maybe it was the Madras sport shirt, so out of place on a man with a bushy beard and long ponytail.
  5. Before the gathering, a burly man with a full but closely cropped beard is stabbing the air in the direction of a painting hanging in a prominent position on the side wall behind him.
  6. He was huge and burly, with long, shaggy dark hair and a grizzled beard shot through with gray.
  7. He was built like a lumberjack, with unkempt dark hair, a trimmed beard, and piercing, pale blue eyes.
  8. A big brawny fellow with a red beard, flushed face, and broad shoulders, who seemed to be the chief of the band, raised his clenched fist to strike Mr.
  9. Instead his beard was neatly trimmed to match his immaculate hair.
  10. The Extended Sorcery Master was an Orc, but unlike Urkzal he was old and wizened, with flowing white hair and beard that stretched down to his shins.