English to afrikaans meaning of

Battery het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:'n Elektriese battery: 'n toestel wat elektriese energie in chemiese vorm stoor en hierdie energie kan omskep in elektriese krag wanneer dit nodig is.'n Stel soortgelyke dinge: 'n versameling of stel soortgelyke items, dikwels in 'n ry of reeks gerangskik.'n Daad van slaan of slaan van iemand, gewoonlik met 'n slaan of slaan: >'n Versterkte posisie: 'n militêre posisie wat sterk versterk en verdedig word, dikwels met gewere of ander wapens.'n Kriminele oortreding: die daad om iemand fisies aan te val, dikwels met die doel om skade of besering te veroorsaak.


  1. assault and battery

Sentence Examples

  1. He rubbed his finger across it and felt the special charge like touching a tongue to a battery.
  2. He pulled his phone away and it went back to normal, but he noticed that his battery was now down to thirty four percent.
  3. He noticed that the battery indicator on the home screen was slowly being depleting.
  4. The battery on my phone is dead, so I plug it in to recharge while I pour my coffee and grab a yogurt.
  5. He would have used the light on his phone, but the battery died out a few minutes earlier, which was weird given the fact that it should have lasted longer than that as he had a fresh charge.
  6. The phone signal was one bar and the battery in the red.
  7. Dillon looked at his phone for a moment, trying to figure out what was happening, but quickly decided to point it at the wall before his battery totally died.
  8. First thing, Everon looked from the big generator to the battery gauge.
  9. Harry looked at the phone screen again, the battery icon was flashing.
  10. Gabby spread the photo array on the scale model south of The Battery.