English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "aflosstokkie" is 'n dun stok of staf wat deur 'n dirigent gebruik word om 'n orkes te rig of deur 'n aflosloper om die aflosstokkie aan die volgende hardloper te oorhandig. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n stok wat deur 'n polisiebeampte of 'n militêre offisier gedra word as 'n simbool van gesag. In algemene gebruik kan die term "stok" verwys na enige stokagtige voorwerp wat gebruik word om iemand of iets te sein of te rig.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was almost as if the sound sprang up at the rising of his hand, just as the music of a great orchestra seems to leap under the bâton of the conductor.
  2. Before he attempted to rustle the boys into making like an orchestra, he rapped his baton on the wall until they paused their chatter.
  3. He pulled the baton out while a hint of glee passed over his features.
  4. After one middling attempt, he passed the baton to Rex, the pianist, and asked him to take over.
  5. The Crescent City had long outgrown its airport and progressive politicians had suggested a larger international airport almost halfway between Baton Rouge and New Orleans with a light rail in between but the idea never took.
  6. Franklin extracted his baton but held it in his off-hand and close to his thigh.
  7. The conductor turned, raised her baton into the air, and brought it down.
  8. He waved his baton and kept one eye on his sister.
  9. He would have brought his revolver until Marie said that would be sacrilege, so instead, he had his cumbersome baton under his jacket.
  10. A guard had come through the front door and was standing at the foot of the stairs but without slowing down, the nameless man put both his arms around me to protect me and charged full bodied into the overseer as he swung down with his supple baton.