English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "basilisk" is 'n mitiese wese wat dikwels uitgebeeld word as 'n slang of 'n draak met 'n dodelike blik of asem wat dood of versteen kan veroorsaak. Dit word ook gebruik om in sommige kontekste na 'n giftige slang te verwys. Die term kan ook metafories gebruik word om iets of iemand te beskryf wat gevaarlik of dreigend is, soos 'n besonder kragtige wapen of 'n kragtige idee. Daarbenewens kan "basilisk" ook verwys na 'n soort kruie of plant, veral die soet basiliekruid (Ocimum basilicum) wat algemeen in kook gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. It is true there were short and fleeting moments, when the fiery eyes of Magua were seen glittering, like the fabled organs of the basilisk through the dusty wreath by which he was enveloped, and he read by those short and deadly glances the fate of the combat in the presence of his enemies ere, however, any hostile hand could descend on his devoted head, its place was filled by the scowling visage of Chingachgook.
  2. Let him who calls me wild beast and basilisk, leave me alone as something noxious and evil let him who calls me ungrateful, withhold his service who calls me wayward, seek not my acquaintance who calls me cruel, pursue me not for this wild beast, this basilisk, this ungrateful, cruel, wayward being has no kind of desire to seek, serve, know, or follow them.
  3. The image of a snakelike basilisk was imprinted on his breastplate.
  4. Cold, glaring eyes met mine as the man stood straight, firelight reflecting off the basilisk carved into his breastplate.
  5. But as I did so the head turned, and the eyes fell full upon me, with all their blaze of basilisk horror.
  6. Like his soldiers, the red emblem of the coiled basilisk had been etched into his breastplate.