English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "basiliekruid" is 'n kulinêre kruie wat aan die kruisementfamilie behoort, met blare wat tipies vars of gedroog gebruik word om geur aan geregte te gee. Die wetenskaplike naam vir basiliekruid is Ocimum basilicum. Daar is verskeie verskillende variëteite van basiliekruid, insluitend soet basiliekruid, Thai basiliekruid en suurlemoen basiliekruid, elk met sy eie unieke geur en aroma. Basiliekruid word algemeen in Italiaanse en Mediterreense kookkuns gebruik en word dikwels gebruik om tamatie-gebaseerde souse, slaaie, sop en pastageregte te geur. Benewens sy kulinêre gebruike, word geglo dat basiliekruid ook medisinale eienskappe het en word in tradisionele medisyne gebruik om 'n verskeidenheid van kwale te behandel.

Sentence Examples

  1. He passed the platter of homemade fettuccine in a basil cream sauce, topped with sliced tomatoes, down the table.
  2. The sound pulled me from my dream of lime, basil and mandarin.
  3. It was a traditional Margherita, with marinara sauce, sliced mozzarella, and a scattering of basil leaves, all on a thin, crispy crust.
  4. In my dream, I stretched into the scents of lime, basil and mandarin like a cat in a patch of sunshine.
  5. The scents of lime, basil and mandarin did nothing for the roiling in my stomach but I washed my hands and face.
  6. Basil said a word, nor Cicero had any knowledge nor do the niceties of truth nor the observations of astrology come within the range of its fanciful vagaries nor have geometrical measurements or refutations of the arguments used in rhetoric anything to do with it nor does it mean to preach to anybody, mixing up things human and divine, a sort of motley in which no Christian understanding should dress itself.
  7. Even the scent of basil and oregano and perfectly-cooked steak wafting up from below was beginning to grate at me.