English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gebaseer" is om iets as grondslag of beginpunt te hê, of om in 'n bepaalde plek of konteks geleë te wees of geleë te wees. Dit kan ook verwys na ondersteun word deur of staatmaak op iets, of dat 'n bepaalde eienskap of kwaliteit as basis vir 'n oordeel of optrede. Daarbenewens kan "gebaseer" beteken om iets te skep of te produseer uit 'n sekere bron of inspirasie. Die betekenis van die woord kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Based on the peculiar expression on her pale face, my news had confused her.
  2. Based on appearance, she was only two or three years older than us.
  3. The motive for this crime made little sense based on what I knew so far.
  4. She reported it, which made sense based on Lorraine telling me there were several items missing.
  5. No one appearing in A Matter of Latitude is based on or even alludes to a real figure, and I have no knowledge of any corruption scandal similar to the one I have portrayed.
  6. He continued to explain that Venators trained based on their different talents.
  7. Based on his explanation, Lorraine must have reported the missing items.
  8. Based on what Lorraine had told me on the walk over, my father recently commandeered the third floor during the renovations on his office.
  9. When he shared some ideas he had for managing the inventory based on what people bought, I realized he had the makings of an entrepreneur.
  10. He had noted a lot of details and was able to make some educated guesses based on them, but that was all he could hope to do for the time being.

TV Series Examples



- Based on whose information?