English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "bak" kan gedefinieer word as 'n lang, groot platboomboot wat gebruik word vir die vervoer van goedere op riviere en kanale. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n groot, onhandelbare of lomp voertuig, voorwerp of persoon wat kragtig deur 'n skare of obstruksie beweeg. Boonop kan "bak" gebruik word as 'n werkwoord wat beteken om lomp of kragtig te beweeg, of om in te breek of skielik te onderbreek.

Sentence Examples

  1. There was a barge pushing upriver almost directly across from him and one traveling downriver about a quarter of a mile to his left.
  2. A nice house, comfortable living, a good school for her son, then expanding her reach to a canal barge, where she could do all the things she wanted.
  3. A barge going downriver passed him just as another going upriver lined up with him and the other barge.
  4. I ran this moment through my head a hundred times since I decided to work on the barge.
  5. He walked around the side of the barge, stroking a hand along the brass rail I fitted last week.
  6. Through the security barrier, I jogged down the quayside until I came upon a barge with Gong Lai stenciled on the side and a red dragon painted on the front.
  7. The barge creaked under my weight, and the air clawed, hot and musty.
  8. Even Stephanie and Joe get into the act, rambling on about their last trip to Europe and what they had to eat on a barge ride through the Loire Valley.
  9. Each barge had guns mounted at the front, middle, and rear.