English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Balju is 'n hofbeampte of regsbeampte wat verantwoordelik is vir die handhawing van orde en sekuriteit in 'n geregshof, asook die uitvoering van regsbevele en uitsprake. In sommige jurisdiksies kan 'n balju ook verantwoordelik wees vir die betekening van regsdokumente, soos dagvaardings of uitsettingskennisgewings, en kan gemagtig word om arrestasies te maak of ander wetstoepassingspligte uit te voer. Die term "balju" kan ook verwys na 'n beampte in 'n koninklike of adellike huishouding wat verantwoordelik is vir die bestuur van die huishouding se finansies en boedels.

Sentence Examples

  1. The bailiff takes the envelope up to the judge, who opens it and reads it.
  2. Eventually the bailiff, a cranky looking older woman, came to find her.
  3. The judges straightened their files and the bailiff talked with them in a low voice.
  4. The microphones turned on with a loud crack and the bailiff called for everyone to rise.
  5. He looked a little like a bailiff to Will, with the same air of menace and efficiency about him.
  6. They followed the slim, cranky bailiff back into the hallway and down the stairs to the auditorium basement.
  7. I want you to leave those videos with the bailiff to keep.
  8. No more partial or important than the bailiff or stenographer.