English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "verbysterd" is om heeltemal verward, verward of verward te wees deur iets, dikwels tot die punt dat dit nie in staat is om dit te verstaan of te verduidelik nie. Dit kan ook beteken om belemmer of belemmer te word in 'n mens se vordering of begrip deur iets wat onduidelik, onverklaarbaar of moeilik is om te interpreteer.

Sentence Examples

  1. In that brief moment, Eyric was amazed, baffled and terrified all at once.
  2. From between the blades, Rune watched with a concerned look that baffled Kallan.
  3. I tried to figure out the code but was baffled until Daphne pointed out that, in Europe, the day and month were flopped backwards.
  4. At first, he was baffled at the sight of the single row of makeshift shops on the beach near the base of the hills.
  5. Never did I see such baffled malice on a face and never, I trust, shall such ever be seen again by mortal eyes.
  6. His identification has exercised the best critics and baffled all the ingenuity and research that has been brought to bear on it.
  7. Angela appeared baffled but Bill gripped the situation with his usual tenacity.
  8. I was back sitting on the parlor sofa, with the telegram in my hand, still baffled why we got it.
  9. She opens her mouth to respond, but no sound comes out she stares at me, baffled.
  10. Every window and door was fastened and locked, and I returned baffled to the porch.