English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "agtergrond" het verskeie betekenisse:Die natuurskoon of grond agter iets.Die omstandighede of situasie waarin iets voorkom; die konteks.'n Persoon se opvoeding, ervaring of sosiale omstandighede.Die deel van 'n prent of ontwerp wat dien as 'n opset vir die hooffigure of voorwerpe, of waarteen hulle waargeneem word.Die klank of musiek wat agter dialoog, vertelling of aksie in 'n film of televisieprogram speel.'n Opsomming van vorige konteks of eksperiment wat iets verskaf/opsomming van vorige gebeurtenisse.


  1. backcloth
  2. backdrop

Sentence Examples

  1. I could hear the coffee grinder in the background.
  2. Anyone else who might have been a contender has faded into the background.
  3. There are flags in the background, propped beside a large window with latticed panes.
  4. The symbol had a golden background and was three-inches-tall.
  5. All the houses were grand and loomed high between Main Street and the Wharton Mountains in the background.
  6. Cozy mysteries are different from hard-boiled investigations, thrillers, and suspense novels the side stories, surrounding town, and background characters are equally important to building a vibrant world in which readers can escape.
  7. They quizzed Celestino on his methods, his background, his entire creative life story, then without making a purchase the woman handed Celestino a leaflet advertising an art exhibition, telling him he should get himself down to Arrecife to check it out.
  8. With her background in tourist information, she has so much potential.
  9. I managed to rouse myself when the food arrived, the TV playing some old action flick in the background.
  10. As she walks away her stiletto heels make sharp taps on the floor, faintly audible over the background noise.