English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "voorspoedig" is "belowende sukses, gunstig of bevorderlik vir sukses; voorspel goed; bygewoon deur gunstige omstandighede of voortekens." Dit word dikwels gebruik om 'n gebeurtenis, omstandigheid of situasie te beskryf wat geglo word om geluk, sukses of positiewe uitkomste te bring. Byvoorbeeld, 'n huwelikseremonie wat op 'n gunstige dag gehou word, word geglo om geluk en geluk vir die egpaar te bring.

Sentence Examples

  1. Eirek looked up toward Guardian Eska, staring into the auspicious eyes.
  2. Compelled, as they were, to await a night sufficiently dark to favor their flight, they were obliged to defer their final attempt till that auspicious moment should arrive their greatest dread now was lest the stone through which the sentry was doomed to fall should give way before its right time, and this they had in some measure provided against by propping it up with a small beam which they had discovered in the walls through which they had worked their way.
  3. As they approached the Auspicious Gate, they had to walk their steed on foot.