English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "aantrekkingskrag" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na die aksie of krag om belangstelling, plesier of voorkeur vir iemand of iets te wek. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n plek of ding wat besoekers lok deur iets interessants of genotvol te verskaf, of 'n fisiese krag waardeur voorwerpe na mekaar getrek word, soos die aantrekkingskrag tussen twee magnete of die aantrekkingskrag tussen hemelliggame. Daarbenewens kan "aantrekkingskrag" ook verwys na 'n romantiese of seksuele belangstelling of begeerte teenoor iemand.

Sentence Examples

  1. His attraction went far beyond her skill as a scavenger.
  2. But the principal attraction was the exhibition of the Long Noses, a show to which Europe is as yet a stranger.
  3. Indeed, Bud and Charlene have their work cut out to make this attraction more tourist friendly.
  4. The attraction was strong, overwhelming, and when he asked me to spend my life with him, I swooned.
  5. And just thinking about Luke being involved made any attraction toward him grow cold.
  6. It went beyond regular attraction and straight into that weird paranormal bullshit.
  7. He recognized his attraction to her for what it was, had acknowledged that he was far more attracted to her than he had ever been to another woman, but he was also confused.
  8. And Stowley has no need to hide his attraction to her.
  9. He was attracted to her and determined to hold himself back from acting on that attraction for reasons she well understood.
  10. Nearly all houses in Beach Town were suburbanised two stories and two tower blocks, the required amount of shops and the beachfront as the main attraction.