English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bediende" is iemand wat teenwoordig is en bystand of dienste aan ander verskaf, dikwels in 'n ondergeskikte of ondersteunende rol. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat nou verband hou met of op iets anders volg. Hier is 'n paar voorbeelde van hoe die woord "bediende" gebruik kan word:'n Lugwaardin is verantwoordelik om die veiligheid en gemak van passasiers tydens 'n vlug te verseker.Die bruid se bediendes het haar gehelp om gereed te maak vir die huwelikseremonie.Die verhoogde risiko van kanker vir diegene wat kanker veroorsaak. 'n Gevoel van trots is dikwels gepaard met 'n werk wat goed gedoen is.

Sentence Examples

  1. The restroom was one of those outdoor ones where you had to get the key from the attendant inside the station.
  2. An attendant who was on foot, seeing the encamisado fall, began to abuse Don Quixote, who now moved to anger, without any more ado, laying his lance in rest charged one of the men in mourning and brought him badly wounded to the ground, and as he wheeled round upon the others the agility with which he attacked and routed them was a sight to see, for it seemed just as if wings had that instant grown upon Rocinante, so lightly and proudly did he bear himself.
  3. Douglas, the petrol station attendant who had made his escape over the bouldering side bank.
  4. The same idiot attendant is there, bent over and fiddling with his keys.
  5. The attendant was struck by his manner, and knowing my interest in him, encouraged him to talk.
  6. An attendant confronts me before I take a step inside, pointing behind me at a shipping container converted into a kiosk.
  7. A lippy security attendant greeted me, snapped my picture, and typed in a few commands on a keypad.
  8. Charlie watched as Douglas the petrol station attendant ran across the road for the boulders.
  9. I mean its extreme porousness, considered independently by the worm-eaten condition which is a consequence of navigation in these seas, and apart from the rottenness attendant upon age.
  10. I sneak one last look down the airport corridor, even check for footprints, shake my head and hand the gate attendant my boarding pass.