English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "aanval" is om aggressiewe optrede teen iemand of iets te neem met die doel om skade, skade of vernietiging te veroorsaak. Dit kan verwys na fisiese geweld, verbale aanranding of 'n skielike aanvang van 'n mediese toestand. Die term kan ook in 'n militêre of strategiese konteks gebruik word, waar dit verwys na 'n offensiewe aksie wat geneem is teen 'n vyand of teiken. Boonop kan "aanval" in 'n meer algemene sin gebruik word om 'n kragtige of volgehoue poging om 'n bepaalde doel of doelwit te bereik, te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. Arantay was a blur, shooting forwards and kicking Merak in the chest before the Shifter could attack.
  2. I slipped to the second floor to steal a few minutes of solitude and map out a plan of attack for the day.
  3. But when one of them dies of an apparent heart attack in the middle of second act, Nana D asks Kellan to investigate.
  4. We need Caustic Realmers for an attack force in battle missions, for example.
  5. Somehow my possessions had survived intact, though the bag was clawed up from the dreyvern attack.
  6. Tarensen had demanded Evan tell him everything about the demon attack before he told Evan about the world of Veneseron.
  7. No one said a word, but we kept in formation ready for an attack.
  8. Weakened by the double attack, the wyvern staggered sideways.
  9. To my surprise, Ms Weston handed me her weapon and backed off, allowing me to take the attack.
  10. I concentrated on the flailing monster, which was beginning to recover from the double attack.