English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die meeste woordeboekdefinisies verwys Atlantis na 'n mitiese eilandbeskawing wat volgens legende vermoedelik in die Atlantiese Oseaan bestaan het voordat dit in 'n katastrofiese gebeurtenis vernietig is. Die verhaal van Atlantis word dikwels geassosieer met die antieke Griekse filosoof Plato, wat dit in sy dialoë "Timaeus" en "Critias" beskryf het. Die presiese ligging van Atlantis is onbekend en bly 'n onderwerp van spekulasie en debat onder historici, argeoloë en entoesiaste van mitologie en die okkulte.

Sentence Examples

  1. January was as good a month as any to return to Atlantis.
  2. After destroying Atlantis with their quest for power and magic, they moved across the world in a diaspora of soon-to-be deities.
  3. Atlantis had been a paradise for men and women of learning and culture until, as always happened to paradise, someone stronger grew greedy enough to want to possess it and strong enough to try.
  4. Atlantis has risen and is now openly taking part in human affairs.
  5. I approached it cautiously, and it chose to be benevolent granting me access to spells that I never knew existed and information on a race of people who had come from Atlantis.
  6. Several had Atlantean armor, having escaped Atlantis with Father.
  7. To Atlantis, now proudly in the world again, and on the surface of the ocean instead of beneath it.
  8. Not a lot of men traveling the world called themselves Flynn of Atlantis, after all.
  9. Atlanteans had always created art on a much grander scale than elsewhere in the world, perhaps because Atlantis had never had rivals to fear, not for thousands of years.
  10. Only a few years ago, after eleven thousand years of being lost to the annals of time, then-prince Conlan and his brother, Lord Vengeance, had worked with Alaric to find a way to bring Atlantis back into the world.