English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "eet" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlikhede:Eenvoudige verlede tyd van die werkwoord "eet," wat beteken om kos of drank te eet.'n Argaïese verlede deelwoord van "eet", ook betekenis verbruik of ingeneem.'n Agtervoegsel wat gebruik word om woorde te vorm wat 'n spesifieke soort handeling of kwaliteit aandui, soos "lambaste" of "huiwer." In hierdie geval is "eet" nie 'n selfstandige woord nie, maar 'n morfeem wat aan die einde van 'n ander woord gevoeg word.

Sentence Examples

  1. She ate a quick, solitary meal in her room before dismissing Vivie for the night.
  2. They ate in silence, both of them hungry, and the bowls that had held a simple pottage were soon emptied, only crumbs where the warm coarse bread had been.
  3. They ate for a while without speaking, Cianne casting about for safe topics, but she no longer had any idea what was safe.
  4. We ate in a really nice restaurant, and Alex treated us.
  5. We ate pizza and hung out for awhile before the band regrouped for the second half of their practice session.
  6. While he spent a quarter of an hour poring over the notes, I finished my tea and ate another half of a scone, as much out of nervousness as hunger.
  7. Both Brooke and Evan succeeded in dissolving their rocks, whilst the Silcorn cousins ended up hitting each other and had to have Balzabar rush to heal them before the acid ate away at their skin.
  8. The wall they made providing the only seclusion from the rest of the hall, which, by necessity, was where all ate and slept, save its lady and absent lord.
  9. I reach for the water bottle, careful to take only a sip, then rummage in the rucksack for the other half of the protein bar I ate last night.
  10. His metabolism was more active than a thoroughbred, and he ate only the healthiest of foods.

TV Series Examples



Unless a shadowcat ate me first.



and you ate your last meal a week ago,