English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "by" is 'n voorsetsel en kan 'n paar verskillende woordeboekbetekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Sommige moontlike definisies sluit in:Om ligging of posisie uit te druk: Word gebruik om die spesifieke posisie of ligging van iets of iemand aan te dui, soos "Die boek is bo-aan die rak" of "Ek wag by die bushalte."Uitdruktyd: Word gebruik om 'n spesifieke tyd of oomblik aan te dui, soos "Ek ontmoet jou om 19:00" of "Die partytjie begin om middernag."Terief of prys uitdruk: Word gebruik om 'n tarief of prys per eenheid aan te dui, soos "Die appels kos $1,50 by die kruidenierswinkel." Om 'n kontakpunt uit te druk: Word gebruik om 'n kontakpunt of kommunikasie aan te dui, soos "Jy kan my by my e-posadres bereik."Om 'n aktiwiteit of beroep uit te druk: Word gebruik om 'n aktiwiteit of beroep aan te dui, soos "Sy is goed met dans" of "Hy werk by 'n sagtewaremaatskappy."

Sentence Examples

  1. Upon informing Derek that I needed to return home for a family obligation, he generously suggested adding extra days to relax before everything exploded at the network, then assigned me to interview his latest source.
  2. My heart melted at the pure innocence of her smile.
  3. At the same time, the communications, humanities, and music departments suffer with minimal software programs, deteriorating equipment, and lack of innovative venue spaces for live performances.
  4. Before summoning the courage to start the day, I tossed on some clothes and descended the staircase two steps at a time.
  5. At least I could count on my quick wit and devilishly handsome face to make things seem better!
  6. The ceilings were vaulted at least twelve feet high and covered in endless cedar planks with knots in all the right places.
  7. Do you know she had Nana D sitting next to Councilman Stanton at a table in the back row?
  8. After landing at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport on a miserable mid-February afternoon, I rented a Jeep to trek another ninety miles south into Pennsylvania.
  9. Once the initial shock of my surroundings wore off, I stretched and grunted at the crunch in my lower spine from sleeping on the firmest mattress known to man.
  10. At six feet, my father stood only three inches taller than me, but the dominant Ayrwick genes made him look gargantuan.

TV Series Examples



Now, the Starks are feasting us at sundown.



Why aren't you at the feast?



You always look at your feet



ls that what you tell yourself at night?



A Dothraki wedding without at least



We serve at your pleasure.