English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "aanvaar" is om iets as waar of seker te aanvaar of te aanvaar sonder bewyse of bewyse, om te veronderstel of te veronderstel. Dit kan ook beteken om 'n bepaalde rol of verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar, of om besit of beheer van iets te neem.

Sentence Examples

  1. Fate in this instance means, I assume, that you will wait and see what is brought to you by my efforts.
  2. I can only assume Maria wants to get back at her husband whom she clearly holds in contempt.
  3. He had to assume the code had been cracked, or at least part of it.
  4. There was no firm reason as yet, he argued, to assume Mary would dispense with the services of her English nobles once married.
  5. That mongrel dog has saved me, but whoever came here will assume that animal has an owner.
  6. Best to assume they were all guards, she decided, and used the western wall as her entry point.
  7. When coupled with her skill at sneaking up on him, leaping from the wall and down to his garden without making a noise, he felt it was safe to assume that Miss Wyland had plenty of useful skills.
  8. Definitely not the Hollywood, Tennessee Williams drawl most people assume to find here sprouting from residents dressed in seersucker and white bucks.
  9. They would undoubtedly be outnumbered, and it was safe to assume that at least one or two skilled fighters would be guarding the meeting place, but he could not leave her to tackle this on her own.
  10. Nell had drilled it into me so often it was inconceivable to assume otherwise.

TV Series Examples



l think we can assume that no one is willing...