English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "assessering" is die handeling om 'n persoon, ding of situasie te evalueer om die waarde, kwaliteit, belangrikheid of betekenis daarvan te bepaal. Dit kan ook verwys na die proses om 'n belasting of ander finansiële verpligting te bepaal, of die bedrag van skadevergoeding of vergoeding verskuldig in 'n regsdispuut. Assessering kan in verskeie kontekste gedoen word, soos opvoedkundige assessering, mediese assessering, finansiële assessering, risiko-assessering, ens.

Sentence Examples

  1. I may have to rethink my earlier assessment of him.
  2. The sound and pain made it tough but a quick assessment showed there was no one there but Katherine and I, and she offered no threat.
  3. As the project manager, I need to visit the place three to four times a week for assessment to avoid any mistakes or setbacks.
  4. Just as I finished my assessment, the boar fairy stood up on its hind legs and ambled off, its cloven hooves clicking against the cobblestones.
  5. Resources were envisioned to include a reference library, Internet access with several computers, skill and knowledge assessment tools, in-person advisors for initial guidance, and senior consultants for more technical advice.
  6. I have to tell you though, I was pretty skeptical about your assessment of this kid.
  7. He rode towards the two riders, his eyes scanning the landscape to ensure that his original assessment that there were no others was correct.
  8. Later, Robert did bring his friend to our office and wanted me to present my assessment of the project to them.
  9. The inscrutable brown eyes of the inspector considered the suspect before he settled for an honest assessment of the situation.
  10. If asked for an honest assessment in that moment, he would have considered himself disappointed by the uninspiring exterior.