English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vergadering" is:Selfstandige naamwoord:'n Groep mense wat vir 'n bepaalde doel saamgetrek is.Die aksie om dinge bymekaar te maak of bymekaar te pas.'n Wetgewende liggaam, tipies saamgestel uit verkose verteenwoordigers, wat vergader om wette of besluite te maak. bymekaar te maak: >Om 'n groep mense vir 'n bepaalde doel byeen te roep of bymekaar te maak.Om dele of komponente saam te stel om 'n geheel te skep.

Sentence Examples

  1. The boy grinned, and Arthur stepped back from him, calling the assembly to order.
  2. Being the leader of their assorted assembly, he was usually successful, but only when he was around to step in.
  3. Thank you for coming to this exciting assembly this morning.
  4. Toran had seemed his usual cheerful self at the assembly that night, teasing her and heaping kind compliments on her.
  5. It is, however, somewhat remarkable that many citizens of Rotterdam swore to having seen the same hat repeatedly before and indeed the whole assembly seemed to regard it with eyes of familiarity while the vrow Grettel Pfaall, upon sight of it, uttered an exclamation of joyful surprise, and declared it to be the identical hat of her good man himself.
  6. Solitude had often weighed heavily on her, but between the prospect of spending the entire day with Lach, concealing her distress from him, and having to put on a good show for the assembly that night, she longed to be alone.
  7. He had made several leaps during the course of the assembly, but nothing of serious concern.
  8. Before he could be sure, his attention was drawn to Raging Water who now addressed the whole assembly.
  9. The intricate hangings were a testament to the skill of the Weavers, as were the wondrous garments worn by several of the ladies and gentlemen present at the assembly.
  10. As bags began shifting from back-to-front, almost like an assembly line, the boys nearest the dumpster grabbed each one and tossed it in.