English to afrikaans meaning of

"as" kan verskeie betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks:Die grys of swart poeier wat oorbly nadat iets verbrand is: "Die kaggel was met as gevul."Die soliede oorblyfsels van 'n dooie persoon se liggaam na verassing: "Sy as is in die see gestrooi en >'n Soort siekte wat plante aantas, veroorsaak deur 'n swam: "Die boer se oeste is deur assiekte verwoes."

Sentence Examples

  1. Evan used this distraction to summon fire and burn the minion to ash.
  2. Ally took a couple minutes and explained to Ash and Kai about the flower phenomenon involving new checkers.
  3. Picón, the locals call it, a form of volcanic ash.
  4. Within moments, the monster was nothing more than ash.
  5. Stepping back from Ash, I found myself unable to look away from his strange eyes.
  6. Evan threw himself to the floor as the Spellzooka fired off a huge bomb of electricity that exploded amidst the new demon group with a terrifying blast, frying them to ash.
  7. I peeked over at Ash only to find his eyes glued on the card.
  8. The cobalt demon blazed into a fierce inferno, and in seconds turned to ash, only the stench of burned flesh giving sign it had ever existed.
  9. After plucking one out for herself, she motioned for Ash to sit down and join her.
  10. I see in an instant that the ash has fallen into several heaps in the foreground.