English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "argument" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar hier is 'n paar definisies:'n Bespreking of debat tussen mense met verskillende opinies, standpunte of perspektiewe, veral een wat formeel of gestruktureerd is.'n Rede of stel redes wat gegee word ter ondersteuning van 'n stel van 'n persepsie, aksie, >'n Onenigheid of konflik tussen mense, wat dikwels woede of sterk emosies behels.In logika, 'n reeks stellings of stellings wat gebruik word om 'n gevolgtrekking te maak.'n Veranderlike of uitdrukking wat na 'n funksie of metode oorgedra word na 'n funksie of metode in programmering

Sentence Examples

  1. This guy was having a one-sided argument with a dog, and the dog was winning.
  2. He left unspoken the other part of his argument, that if she were discovered, he would be there to help her, for all the good it might do.
  3. Jack brooked no argument that day from anyone and by midmorning they were all departed separately from the Inn at Carney Bridge.
  4. It was well known that the Master treated his bastard sibling with little more than contempt, and Jack had no doubt there would be a good audience for any argument.
  5. Catherine, cold and barely conscious, missed the argument between Richard and Tilly.
  6. The argument Lorraine had with Abby the prior week was about the divorce.
  7. It would make me feel better about interrupting their conversation and let them quickly cool down, so there was no embarrassment over their argument.
  8. They were in his study, in the middle of an argument the day I came back from my last voyage.
  9. Crossing the yard his attention was caught by a heated argument taking place between a girl and a water carrier.
  10. He supposed the argument could be made that her actions were prudent.