English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Arabies" kan verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van sy woordeboekdefinisies:Van of wat verband hou met Arabië, sy mense, of sy taal.Die Semitiese taal wat deur die Arabiere gepraat word, wat die amptelike taal van 26 lande is en een van die ses amptelike tale van die Verenigde Nasies is.Van, van, of wat betrekking het op die kultuur, gebruike van die Arabiese wêreld, of van die kultuur, gebruike van, of, van die Arabiese wêreld, of van die mense van die Arabiese wêreld, of van die Islam. , wat in Arabië ontstaan het en deur die Arabiese wêreld en verder versprei het.Let daarop dat die term "Arabies" soms gebruik word om te verwys na 'n bepaalde styl van kalligrafie of tipografie wat die Arabiese skrif gebruik, selfs al is die taal wat geskryf word nie Arabies nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. She had intercepted a call from Afghanistan to Saudi Arabia and recorded the conversation of two men speaking in Arabic.
  2. The following night they passed through the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, which means in Arabic The Bridge of Tears, and the next day they put in at Steamer Point, north-west of Aden harbour, to take in coal.
  3. Alhelí and alfaquí are seen to be Arabic, as well by the al at the beginning as by the í they end with.
  4. The count said a word in Arabic to Ali, and the horses went on at great speed.
  5. I will put a thread to the reed tie the answer to it, and if thou hast no one to write for thee in Arabic, tell it to me by signs, for Lela Marien will make me understand thee.
  6. We were all puzzled, though filled with joy at what had taken place and as none of us understood Arabic, great was our curiosity to know what the paper contained, and still greater the difficulty of finding someone to read it.
  7. One day, as I was in the Alcana of Toledo, a boy came up to sell some pamphlets and old papers to a silk mercer, and, as I am fond of reading even the very scraps of paper in the streets, led by this natural bent of mine I took up one of the pamphlets the boy had for sale, and saw that it was in characters which I recognised as Arabic, and as I was unable to read them though I could recognise them, I looked about to see if there were any Spanish-speaking Morisco at hand to read them for me nor was there any great difficulty in finding such an interpreter, for even had I sought one for an older and better language I should have found him.
  8. I untied the knot and I found forty Spanish gold crowns with a paper written in Arabic, and at the end of the writing there was a large cross drawn.
  9. I knew that he understood Arabic very well, and could not only speak but also write it but before I disclosed the whole matter to him, I asked him to read for me this paper which I had found by accident in a hole in my cell.
  10. He is fluent in Arabic and Hebrew, and he has many friends in the Mossad.