English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "aanleg" is die natuurlike vermoë of kapasiteit om 'n bepaalde vaardigheid of taak effektief te leer en uit te voer. Dit verwys na 'n individu se inherente of aangebore talent, geneigdheid of geskiktheid om in 'n spesifieke veld of aktiwiteit uit te blink. Aanleg kan ook beskryf word as die potensiaal of gereedheid om kennis te bekom of 'n bepaalde vaardigheid te ontwikkel. Kortom, aanleg verwys na 'n persoon se inherente vermoë of talent vir 'n spesifieke area van kennis of vaardigheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. Just after I took my aptitude tests and found out I was coming to the Academy, I did some research on the school.
  2. Their father often took her to his office on Saturdays and unlike many men of that time, he was very proud that his youngest daughter was interested in the family business and had an aptitude for it.
  3. A year ago, when she passed the proper aptitude placement tests, it was highly recommended she go to the Pifianka Academy of Polytechnics.
  4. She knew nothing about him except he was late taking the aptitude tests.
  5. After all, I would not exchange him for another squire, though I were given a city to boot, and therefore I am in doubt whether it will be well to send him to the government your highness has bestowed upon him though I perceive in him a certain aptitude for the work of governing, so that, with a little trimming of his understanding, he would manage any government as easily as the king does his taxes and moreover, we know already ample experience that it does not require much cleverness or much learning to be a governor, for there are a hundred round about us that scarcely know how to read, and govern like gerfalcons.
  6. Khaly remembered the conversations they had about his affinity for mechanics, how he wanted to go to the Academy after his aptitude tests.
  7. I know I am going to flunk the PI aptitude test if I let this man catch me staring.
  8. She discovered an aptitude for writing and constantly scribbled down notes, which she rewrote and expanded upon later.
  9. Unlike your father, I will never command a railroad consortium responsible for shaping the economic future of our land, and I have neither the taste for political glory nor the aptitude for science.
  10. All she knew was that, when she took her aptitude tests, she had tested high in technology.